
How Long Does It Take For Ice Pops To Freeze

Are you looking for a creative way to cool off your canine subsequently some fun in the sun? Why not whip up some canis familiaris popsicles for your pooch?

Thankfully, these doggie delights are super easy to whip up from dwelling house. We'll share some of our favorite DIY dog popsicle recipes below and then that you lot can spoil Spot this summer.

Can Dogs Eat Popsicles? Are They Safe?

DIY dog popsicles

So long as the popsicle in question is fabricated with exclusively dog-safe ingredients, information technology should be condom for your four-footer.

Only be certain to stick to popsicles crafted specifically for canines, since commercial popsicles can contain dangerous ingredients like grape, chocolate, or xylitol (a toxic artificial sweetener). As long equally the ingredients are appropriate, you can even make a ready of popsicles for you and your dog to share together!

Too, exist certain to serve your dog popsicles relative to his size. Your Great Dane can handle more of these sugariness treats than your Chihuahua, so adjust accordingly.

You'll also need to monitor your mutt while he's chowing down on his pupsicle.

Skip the Popsicle Stick for Spot

In that location's no need to add popsicle sticks to these pooch-friendly treats.

Sticks can exist a choking hazard and your furry friend will take no trouble devouring his popsicle without the insert. He won't fifty-fifty be able to hold information technology, anyhow!

13 Canis familiaris Popsicle Recipes: Frozen Treats for Fido!

Without further ado, here are 13 different recipes to choose from for your hirsuite friend. With a bunch of flavors to choose from, yous'll be able to whip up the perfect care for for your pup's palette.

1. Peanut Butter and Banana Popsicles

Most: These peanut butter and banana popsicles from Old Mother Hubbard are super like shooting fish in a barrel to make with ingredients yous probably already have on mitt. You tin can likewise swap out the banana for pumpkin puree if your dog isn't a assistant fan.


  • Canis familiaris-safety peanut butter
  • Plain dog-friendly yogurt or a dog-safe, non-dairy alternative
  • Bananas


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a blender until shine.
  2. Pour mixture into ice cube trays or paper cups and freeze for at least 4 hours.
  3. Remove pupsicles from paper cups and serve!

2. Strawberry and Banana Popsicles

strawberry dog popsicles
Images from Cook Information technology Real Good.

Most: If Fido is a fan of fruity flavor, he's certain to honey these strawberry and banana popsicles from Melt Information technology Real Good. If you're using a popsicle mold for this recipe, use a dog biscuit instead of a traditional popsicle stick since they can be choking hazards for our furry friends.


  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Obviously dog-friendly yogurt
  • Domestic dog biscuits (optional)


  1. Freeze cut bananas and strawberries ahead of time.
  2. Blend all ingredients together until shine.
  3. Pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for nearly xxx minutes.
  4. Insert canis familiaris biscuits into partially frozen popsicles and continue freezing until solid.
  5. Bone appetit!

iii. Two-Ingredient Cantaloupe Ice Cream

Two ingredient dog ice cream
Image from Rover.

About: Is your mutt a maniac for melon? You can't go wrong with this dog (and potentially people) friendly cantaloupe ice cream from Rover. If Fido isn't a melon fan, yous can swap out the cantaloupe for frozen blueberries or strawberries.


  • Ripe cantaloupe
  • Plain dog-friendly yogurt


  1. Slice melon in quarters, making sure to remove skin and seeds. Freeze melon chunks for at to the lowest degree 2 hours.
  2. Place frozen melon and yogurt into a food processor and blend until combined.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, add a little bit of cold h2o.
  4. Freeze mixture until solid and serve.

four. Watermelon Dog Treats

Virtually: Your pooch is sure to love these refreshing watermelon canis familiaris treats from Barefeet in the Kitchen. If your dog is sensitive to dairy, you can skip the yogurt: The treats will still freeze, they'll just have a thinner consistency than the treats with yogurt.


  1. Watermelon
  2. Plain dog-friendly yogurt


  1. Cutting seedless watermelon into chunks.
  2. Combine melon and yogurt in a blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Cascade treats into your mold of pick or an water ice cube tray.
  4. Freeze mixture until solid and serve! The watermelon can be swapped out for whatsoever other dog-rubber fruit.

v. Peanut Butter Berry Pops

About: These peanut butter drupe pops from A Cultivated Nest are super easy to make and have a creamy texture some canines become nuts for. If you don't have a mold or water ice cube tray, pour this mixture into your canis familiaris'south KONG for a fun frozen filling.


  1. Plain dog-friendly yogurt
  2. Bananas
  3. Canis familiaris-safe peanut butter
  4. Frozen blueberries
  5. Milk or water
  6. Dear (optional)


  1. Alloy together yogurt, bananas, blueberries and peanut butter.
  2. Add together a splash of milk or water along with the honey. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture into a mold, KONG, or ice cube tray.
  4. Freeze for at to the lowest degree 2 hours or until solid.
  5. Serve treats or store them in an closed container in the freezer for up to four weeks.

6. Watermelon Carrot Pupsicles

About: If your pooch prefers a little savory with some sweet, then these watermelon carrot pupsicles from Peel with Zeal are certainly worth considering. The two ingredient dog treats are made without dairy products, so it's also a smashing option for pups with sensitive stomachs.


  • Carrots
  • Watermelon


  1. Cut watermelon into chunks. Chop carrots into modest pieces.
  2. Pulse carrots in a blender until they're broken down into finely chopped pieces.
  3. Add in watermelon and alloy until polish.
  4. Cascade into molds or ice cube trays.
  5. Freeze until solid and serve.

7. Lactose-Tropical Treats

About: If your best buddy is sensitive to lactose, try out these tropical popsicles from Rover. An water ice cube tray will piece of work just fine for these treats, but you can pick upward a os-shaped mold for extra points. Yous might want to steal a seize with teeth of these refreshing watermelon and pineapple treats!


  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Small-scale splash of coconut milk or h2o


  1. Identify cut watermelon into a food processor or blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Add in cutting pineapple and blend.
  3. For a smoother consistency, mix in a little bit of coconut milk.
  4. Pour mixture into a mold or ice cube tray.
  5. Freeze until solid and serve.

viii. Fruit and Vegetable Pupsicles

Most: These sugariness and savory pupsicles from Tastemade take broth and beefiness liver that your best buddy will go crazy for. Annotation that you'll desire to be extra careful while handling raw meat and serve these pooch popsicles outside to avoid getting rest all over your floor. With parsley, meat, and berries all in one care for, your hirsuite friend will admire these gourmet frozen treats.


  • Dog-friendly broth
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Chopped parsley (go like shooting fish in a barrel on the parsley — too much is not expert for your pup)
  • Cubed beef liver
  • Baby carrots


  1. Place blueberries, strawberries, parsley, and beefiness liver into ice cube tray molds.
  2. Pour in broth over the mixture.
  3. Add in baby carrots so that they create a popsicle "stick".
  4. Freeze mold until frozen solid or about 4 hours.
  5. Serve popsicles outside.

9. Os Goop Pupsicles

Well-nigh: This bone broth pupsicle recipe from Chewy may accept a bit more time than some of the others on our list, merely information technology's totally a labor of love. Plus, the recipe contains nutritious kale and fibrous apple tree chips to go along your canine feeling his all-time.

The gullet sticks can be swapped for bully sticks or some other tall treat if yous don't have them on hand. Note that these pupsicles are fairly large, so they're a good choice for big best buddies.


  • Pet-safety bone goop
  • Fresh blueberries
  • Sliced strawberries
  • Dog-safety freeze-stale apple chips cleaved into small-scale pieces
  • Chopped green kale


  1. Make full a popsicle mold halfway with bone broth.
  2. Add in blueberries, strawberry slices, crushed apple fries, and chopped kale.
  3. Insert gullet stick into the middle of each popsicle mold to brand a stick.
  4. Freeze until solid and serve.

10. Hearty Chicken Pupsicles

About: These chicken pupsicles from Gohan the Croaking are packed with antioxidant-rich berries and boiled chicken for your furry family fellow member. You lot'll demand a popsicle mold for these tall treats, simply you can use a carrot, slice of celery, or other tall, canis familiaris-safe vegetable instead of a popsicle stick. Your pooch will feel pawsitively pampered after enjoying these well-balanced treats.


  • Pet-safe chicken broth
  • Boiled unseasoned chicken cut into pocket-size pieces
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Carrot or celery to use equally the "stick"


  1. Identify berries and cooked chicken pieces into the bottom of the mold, filling up about half of the mold.
  2. Fill the popsicle mold with pet-safe broth.
  3. Identify a carrot or celery stick in the heart of the popsicle molds.
  4. Freeze until solid and serve.

11. Frozen Blueberry Treats

About: Another recipe from Peel with Zeal, these frozen blueberry pupsicles are perfect for your furry friend and merely use 3 ingredients. The frozen bananas help give these treats a creamier texture that your pooch volition dear. You tin also recreate these dog ice block treats with frozen strawberries instead.


  • Frozen blueberries
  • Plainly canis familiaris-friendly yogurt
  • Banana


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until polish.
  2. Pour into molds or an ice cube tray and freeze until solid.
  3. Serve to Spot!

12. Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Pupsicles

About: Obviously pumpkin is rich in fiber and is a favorite among our furry friends, so this peanut butter pumpkin pupsicle recipe from A Creek Line House is sure to exist a home run. These tantalizing treats will continue your canine cool and can exist paired with a dog biscuit for the total pooch popsicle experience. Plus, you can brand this popsicle without a blender or food processor, so information technology's great for when you're on holiday with your best buddy.


  • Mashed banana
  • Obviously pumpkin puree (Non pumpkin pie filling)
  • Domestic dog-safe peanut butter
  • Milk or water
  • Dog biscuits (optional)


  1. Combine banana, pumpkin, peanut butter, and milk and mix until smooth.
  2. Spoon mixture into popsicle molds.
  3. Add dog biscuit into the middle of the mold to create a "stick".
  4. Freeze until solid and serve.

thirteen. Savory Beef Pooch Popsicles

About: If Spot prefers savory over sweet, then he'll love these frozen beefiness popsicles from DogTipper. While these aren't the most aesthetically pleasing treats, your four-footer is sure to love the sense of taste of these treats. You'll need to set aside time to cook the beefiness mixture, but it'due south definitely worth the extra effort for your canine companion.


  • Ground beefiness
  • Peas
  • Water


  1. Blend raw beef, peas, and water together in a food processor and alloy until smooth. Continue to add water until the mixture has reached the desired consistency.
  2. Transfer mixture to a pot and cook on high until the alloy has reached a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium and permit it tiresome boil for nigh an hour.
  4. Remove from the heat, and let the mixture to absurd for about an hr.
  5. Pour the mixture into plastic tubs, molds or ice cub tubs and freeze until solid.
  6. Serve up these savory treats!

Exercise Dogs Like Popsicles?

Many dogs love pooch-approved popsicles especially when it's warm outside. Virtually are made from super tasty ingredients, and the cool nature of the treat volition help your pooch cool off.

That said, every pooch has palette preferences, and so you may take to experiment with different recipes and flavor profiles to discover 1 that's fitting for Fido.

But ultimately, some dogs may simply non like popsicles — especially those who aren't audacious eaters. You'll but take to attempt them and find out!


Dog popsicles are a great manner to cool off your hirsuite friend throughout the hot summer months. With these piece of cake DIY recipes, yous'll take no trouble making some of these mutt munchies from domicile.

Is your pooch a popsicle fan? How do y'all keep him cool throughout the summer? We'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!

How Long Does It Take For Ice Pops To Freeze,


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