
How To Make Butterscotch Pie

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This butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk is silky polish, rich, and incredibly indulgent. The pie is made with a homemade butterscotch custard filling and garnished with a flossy whipped topping. It's the perfect option when y'all desire a delicious butterscotch set and an exquisite make-ahead dessert!

butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk

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Piece of cake butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk

It's the flavor for pies, and this butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk should be on everyone's list! Information technology's uncomplicated to make and looks absolutely gorgeous.

The velvety, smooth butterscotch pudding filling is sure to please your family! It's created with brown sugar, butter, and sweetened condensed milk and has a delicious butterscotch olfactory property.

Plus, you tin can prepare this old-fashioned butterscotch pie in advance and shop it in the refrigerator 2 to 3 days before serving. I love brand-ahead desserts, especially on busy holidays like Thanksgiving, where you take to cook a bazillion dishes.

The hardest part is waiting for the pie to chill, but your patience will be massively rewarded. This recipe for butterscotch pie is incredible. The custard just melts in your mouth and has the right remainder of luscious creaminess and sugariness.

If you need some more than pie inspiration for the holidays, make sure to cheque out this pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and sweet irish potato pie.

butterscotch pie ingredients


The ingredients for this homemade butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk are simple. And other than the pie crust, items you likely already proceed in your pantry. Bank check out the recipe card at the end of the post for specific ingredient quantities.

  • Dark-brown sugar lends the pie a succulent caramel flavor. Y'all tin apply both light dark-brown and dark brown sugar. The pie you encounter in the photos was made with light brown carbohydrate.
  • Butter: Y'all can't have butterscotch pie without butter! I prefer salted butter in this silk pie recipe. If using unsalted butter, add together one/four tsp common salt to the pudding.
  • Sweetened condensed milk: Calculation condensed milk introduces a rich creaminess to the pudding and boosts the delicious butterscotch flavor.
  • Milk: The pie tin be made with whatsoever kind of milk, whole milk, 2%, or non-fat. I recommend whole milk for the silkiest texture.
  • Egg yolks help to set the butterscotch filling. Salve the whites for meringue cookies.
  • Cornstarch is what thickens the butterscotch pudding filling to make it house plenty to slice.
  • Vanilla extract: A splash of vanilla deepens the aroma and makes the pie irresistible.
  • Pre-baked pie crust is the vessel to hold the pudding filling. You lot tin either blind bake a bootleg pie crust or buy a gear up-made pie beat out. The crust needs to be fully broiled in advance since the filling is cooked on the stovetop, not baked.
recipe for butterscotch pie

Topping ideas

I like to serve the pie with a scoop of whipped cream. Some chopped-up butterscotch and a caramel drizzle make a beautiful presentation. Of course, these are optional, and you savor your onetime-fashioned butterscotch pie whatsoever mode you want.

  • Heavy whipping cream is perfect to whip up the creamy, fluffy topping.
  • Powdered sugar adds a bit of sweetness.
  • Vanilla extract adds a affect of sweet aroma.
  • Butterscotch fudge is optional but sure makes the pie look pretty.
  • Butterscotch sauce: We love to drizzle butterscotch sauce over the pie when serving it. It'due south so good!

No-broil butterscotch pie

You tin turn the recipe into a no-broil butterscotch pie by simply substituting a regular pie beat with a graham cracker crust or cookie crust.

how to make butterscotch pie

How to brand butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk

Easy to throw together, this butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk is a bully make-ahead dessert. The pie has a few like shooting fish in a barrel steps, let'due south cheque them out!

Step one: Set up pie crust

  • If your pie crust is unbaked, blind bake information technology according to parcel instructions.
  • You can skip this pace if your pie chaff is already pre-broiled.
step 2 combine egg yolks and cornstarch

Step 2: Combine yolks and cornstarch

  • In a modest mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and cornstarch until perfectly combined, and you no longer run into clumps of cornstarch. Set aside.
step 3 dissolve brown sugar

Stride three: Dissolve dark-brown sugar

  • Add together the brown carbohydrate, butter, and sweetened condensed milk to a medium bucket.
  • Cook over medium-loftier heat until the carbohydrate has dissolved and the mixture comes to a eddy, nearly 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Exist sure to stir constantly so that nothing burns to the bottom of the pot.
step 4 cook custard

Pace 4: Melt until thick

  • Take the saucepan off the heat and cascade in the milk. Whisk until combined. Then add the egg cornstarch mixture and whisk vigorously until well incorporated.
  • Return the saucepan to the stovetop and continue cooking until thick, approx. three to 5 minutes. The mixture thickens rapidly, which indicates the butterscotch custard is gear up.
step 5 strain mixture

Stride 5: Strain custard

  • Strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve placed over a bowl. This helps to remove curdled egg yolks and makes the filling super smooth.
step 6 refrigerate pie

Footstep 6: Refrigerate pie

  • Pour the strained butterscotch pudding into the pre-broiled pie crust.
  • Gently printing a slice of plastic wrap (cling film) directly onto the custard. Doing and then prevents skin from forming.
  • Refrigerate your butterscotch pie for at least six hours, preferably overnight.

Pace 7: Whip cream

  • Whip the heavy foam, powdered sugar, and vanilla excerpt until stiff peaks form. Employ a cold mixing bowl and an electric mixer or a stand up mixer fitted with the balloon/whisk zipper.

Step viii: Garnish

  • Remove the chilled butterscotch pie from the fridge and top with the whipped cream.
  • Add optional pieces of butterscotch fudge for garnish.
  • Chill until ready to serve.

Step 9: Time to swallow

  • Serve the pie with a drizzle of butterscotch sauce and savor!
old fashioned butterscotch pie recipe

Tips for success

Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when making this indulgent butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk:

  • Pie dish: Make sure your pie dish isn't also shallow. Every bit you lot can see in the photos, the custard fills the pie pan virtually all the way to the top.
  • Plan alee: This butterscotch pie must chill for at least 6 hours in the refrigerator. I ordinarily make it the day before I want to serve it so it tin house upward properly overnight. The whipped foam topping is best made on the day yous serve the pie.
  • Whisk continually: Yous can't undo burnt butterscotch. So be present and stir frequently every bit you cook the custard mixture.
  • Add together the milk and yolks in the right order: My recipe doesn't require tempering the eggs, just it is important to add the milk before the egg yolk-cornstarch mixture. The milk cools the butterscotch, which ways the yolks won't curdle when you add together them to the saucepan.
  • Add the yolks slowly: Cascade the egg mixture slowly into the warm pudding and whisk constantly while you pour. This ensures the yolks disperse properly and don't curdle.
  • Strain the custard: Despite stirring, there's e'er a chance for tiny pieces of egg yolk. I recommend straining the butterscotch pudding through a fine-mesh sieve to remove those eggy bits. It's an actress step, but the custard will exist and then much smoother and silkier.
butterscotch pie filling


  • Topping: Experience free to place the topping on each slice as yous serve the pie instead of spreading it on the whole pie. This makes storing leftovers easier.
  • Garnish: There are other options besides fudge. Crushed cookies, butterscotch chips, chopped basics, and chocolate curls all make great toppings.
  • Chocolate: For a chocolate butterscotch pie, add i tablespoon cocoa pulverisation when you dissolve the dark-brown carbohydrate.
  • Cool whip: If you're in a hurry, use thawed absurd whip for the topping.
easy butterscotch pie recipe

Butterscotch meringue pie

If you'd like to plow this recipe into an former-fashioned butterscotch pie with meringue, you lot tin certainly exercise and so! Since the butterscotch pie filling isn't baked, you tin can caramelize the meringue either with a blow torch or nether the broiler. You'll need:

  • 3 egg whites (make sure there's no yolk)
  • 1/2 loving cup / 100 g / 3.v oz granulated (white) carbohydrate

And hither's what to do:

  1. Add together the egg whites to a make clean, fat-free mixing bowl. Start beating with an electric mixer and add the sugar as yous beat out.
  2. Beat until strong peaks grade.
  3. Spread the meringue over the entire pie. Use a spoon to create peaks all over or a swirly pattern.
  4. Using a kitchen torch/blowtorch, gently caramelize the meringue. Alternately, do this pace under a preheated broiler/grill for a few seconds.
homemade butterscotch pie

Storage instructions

Y'all may not have any leftovers. Still, just in case yous exercise, here's how to keep this condensed milk butterscotch pie around for a petty longer.

  • Refrigerate: Because of the high dairy content, this butterscotch cream pie recipe needs to exist kept in the refrigerator. Cover information technology loosely with plastic wrap, and so information technology doesn't squish the topping. You tin store information technology in the refrigerator for upwardly to 4 days.
  • Freeze: Homemade butterscotch pie freezes beautifully. It'south best to skip the whipped topping if y'all know you will freeze the pie. Wrap the pie pan in plastic wrap (cling picture) and and then with a foil as a double layer. Freeze for up to two months.
  • Defrost: Permit the pie thaw overnight in the fridge before eating.
easy butterscotch pie

More than pie recipes to dearest

What'due south non to honey about pie? Pies come in then many varieties and are loved by most everyone. And so, allow'southward enjoy more with these other condensed milk pie recipes!

  • Chocolate Pie
  • Caramel Pie
  • Peanut Butter Pie
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pecan Pie
  • Sweet Potato Pie
  • Creamy Lemon Pie
  • Key Lime Pie

Prep Time xx minutes

Melt Fourth dimension 12 minutes

Additional Time 6 hours

Full Time half dozen hours 32 minutes


  • 1 x 9-in / 23 cm deep-dish broiled pie chaff (homemade or store-bought)
  • 3/4 cups / 150 1000 / v.3 oz brown carbohydrate
  • 4 tbsp salted butter (or unsalted butter + 1/iv tsp salt)
  • 1 tin (14 oz / 400 g) total-fat sweetened condensed milk
  • two cups / 470 ml / 16 fl oz milk (I recommend whole milk, but whatever kind works)
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup / 40 g / one.four oz cornstarch


    1. Prepare pie crust. If your pie crust is unbaked, bullheaded bake information technology co-ordinate to package instructions. You lot can skip this stride if your pie chaff is already pre-baked.
    2. Combine yolks and cornstarch. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and cornstarch until perfectly combined, and you no longer see clumps of cornstarch. Gear up aside.
    3. Dissolve dark-brown sugar. Add the brown sugar, butter, and sweetened condensed milk to a medium saucepan. Cook over medium-high rut until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil, about 5 to 7 minutes. Be sure to stir constantly so that cipher burns to the bottom of the pot.
    4. Cook until thick. Have the bucket off the estrus and pour in the milk. Whisk until combined. And so add the egg cornstarch mixture and whisk vigorously until well incorporated. Return the saucepan to the stovetop and continue cooking until thick, approx. 3 to 5 minutes. The mixture thickens quickly, which indicates the butterscotch custard is set up.
    5. Strain custard. Strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve placed over a bowl. This helps to remove curdled egg yolks and makes the filling super smooth.
    6. Refrigerate pie. Pour the strained butterscotch pudding into the pre-baked pie crust. Gently press a piece of plastic wrap (cling film) directly onto the custard. Doing and then prevents skin from forming. Air-condition your butterscotch pie for at to the lowest degree 6 hours, preferably overnight.
    7. Whip cream. Whip the heavy cream, powdered carbohydrate, and vanilla excerpt until stiff peaks form. Use a common cold mixing bowl and an electric mixer or a stand up mixer fitted with the balloon/whisk attachment.
    8. Garnish. Remove the chilled butterscotch pie from the fridge and meridian with the whipped foam. Add together optional pieces of butterscotch fudge for garnish. Chill until ready to serve.
    9. Time to eat. Serve the pie with a drizzle of butterscotch sauce and bask!
    10. Store. Because of the high dairy content, this butterscotch cream pie recipe needs to exist kept in the fridge. Cover information technology loosely with plastic wrap, so it doesn't squish the topping. Yous can shop it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.


This butterscotch pie recipe with condensed milk is silky smooth, rich, and incredibly indulgent. The pie is made with a homemade butterscotch custard filling and garnished with a creamy whipped topping. It's the perfect selection when y'all desire a delicious butterscotch fix and an exquisite brand-ahead dessert!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 218 Total Fat: 11g Saturated Fatty: 5g Trans Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 5g Cholesterol: 92mg Sodium: 142mg Carbohydrates: 26g Fiber: 0g Saccharide: 17g Protein: 5g

butterscotch cream pie recipe


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